Alex Fu, Film Maker, Director / October Films
First impression of Puerto Rico : " When I was studying at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1986, my roommate Iván was from Puerto Rico. He is an artist who believe in the country's independence, even though only 10 percent of Puerto Ricans want independence.
After one semester, Ivan left the university. Shortly after, federal agents came to search the room for his belongings. "
符昌鋒, 電影製作人, 導演 / 十月影視
對波多黎各的印象:“ 1986年我在芝加哥藝術學院讀書時,我的室友伊凡來自波多黎各。他是一位有著國家獨立信念的藝術家,儘管只有10%的波多黎各人民希望獨立。