Vivienne Lee,  Cake store owner / Her Rose
First impression of Puerto Rico : " A third world country ? "

李夢穎,  玫瑰系甜點專賣店老闆 / Her Rose
對波多黎各的印象:“ 是個第三世界的國家?”

Vivi Lee,  Personal Trainer
First impression of Puerto Rico : " Latin America country with salsa music."

李珮詩,  私人教練
對波多黎各的印象:“ 拉丁美洲國家和薩爾薩音樂。"

Sage LinInterior Designer
First impression of Puerto Rico : " Puerto Rico is often seen struggling against Cuba in international baseball games. "

對波多黎各的印象:“ 波多黎各經常在國際性的棒球比賽中與古巴纏鬥。 ”

Kelly ChenRestaurant Industry
First impression of Puerto Rico : " A country near the sea, with simple and elegant architectural colors, but from the news media, it seems that the public safety are not very good."
"I always thought that Puerto Rico is an independent country, didn't know it was a territory of the United States until now."

陳津如餐飲業 / 菜真香
對波多黎各的印象:“ 一個靠近海邊,建築色彩古樸典雅的國家,但從新聞媒體上看治安似乎不是太好。
“ 我一直以為波多黎各是一個獨立的國家直到現在才知道它是美國的領土。”​​​​​​​

Juno Liu,  Kendoka and Triple Crown of the National Student Kendo Championship
First impression of Puerto Rico : " I only saw a short video on FB once, It feels like a beautiful country for travel. "

劉家榕,  劍道選手, 全國學生劍道錦標賽三冠王得主
對波多黎各的印象:“ 我只有在臉書上看過一個短視頻,感覺是個該去旅遊的美麗的國家。”

Lydia Lee,  Fashion Designer / Cai Cai Design
First impression of Puerto Rico : " I think it a very far away country, my geography is very bad... so..."

李晴衣,  時裝設計師 / 采綵設計

Kathy HsuFreelancer
First impression of Puerto Rico : " Territory of the United States where Spanish is the official language, I would love to learn spanish.  "

對波多黎各的印象:“ 以西班牙文為官方語言的美國領土,很想能學會西班牙文。”

Alex FuFilm Maker, Director / October Films
First impression of Puerto Rico : " When I was studying at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1986, my roommate Iván was from Puerto Rico. He is an artist who believe in the country's independence, even though only 10 percent of Puerto Ricans want independence.
After one semester, Ivan left the university. Shortly after, federal agents came to search the room for his belongings. "

符昌鋒,  電影製作人, 導演 / 十月影視

Yi-Chang Wen,  Chef and Owner of Kikanbo / Ramen Restaurant
First impression of Puerto Rico : " When I lived in Spain, the Puerto Ricans I met are optimistic and cheerful but a bit lazy. "

溫怡昌,  鬼金棒主廚 / 老闆
對波多黎各的印象:“ 在西班牙生活的時候,遇到的波多黎各人都是很樂天開朗,但有點懶散。”

Sunny Wu,  Artisan / ReggaEco
First impression of Puerto Rico : " A country that belongs to The United States but not USA. "

吳桑祢,  手工藝人 / ReggaEco
對波多黎各的印象:“ 一個屬於美國但不是美國的國家。”

Anny Chen,  Manager of MAJOR / Technological Art, Digital Production company
First impression of Puerto Rico : " A country dominated or burden by drugs..... maybe it's because of Hollywood stereotypes. "
" Do you know any Puerto Rican actor? "
" Amaury Nolasco of Prison Break, and he is so handsome
😁. "​​​​​​​

陳品錡,  經理 / MAJOR
對波多黎各的印象:“ 感覺是個毒品氾濫的國家......也許是因為好萊塢的刻板印象。”
“ 你有認識波多黎各籍的演員嗎?”
“ 越獄風雲的阿莫瑞·諾拉斯克,他太帥了 😁。”

Kai ChenSports Journalist / BCC
First impression of Puerto Rico : " The economy is extremely dependent on the United States and wants to be the 51st state, but the U.S. has no interest.
Puerto Ricans love baseball, basketball and  volleyball."

陳楷體育新聞記者 / 中廣
對波多黎各的印象:“ 經濟極度依賴美國,想成為第51州,但美國沒有興趣。

Kylie LoCosplayer and Administrative staff in digital company
First impression of Puerto Rico : " Mysterious country with many urban legends..... such as Chupacabra."

羅傳萱,  角色扮演者 和 行政人員 / 數位公司
對波多黎各的印象:“ 有著許多都市傳說的神秘國度。。。。譬如卓柏卡布拉。”

Chelsea Huang,  Store Salesperson
First impression of Puerto Rico: " A small country in Eastern Europe? "

黃琦淇,  銷售人員
對波多黎各的印象:“ 在東歐的小國?”

Moon Tsai,  Book Editor
First impression of Puerto Rico : " An island country with many european architecture. "
Me : " Yes, there are many Spanish colonial architecture. What else? "
" Miss Universe!!! "

蔡月薰,  書籍編輯
對波多黎各的印象:“ 擁有許多歐洲建築的島國。”
“ 是的,有很多西班牙殖民時期的建築。還有什麼?”
“ 環球小姐!!! ”

Ada Shen,  Food Vendor
First impression of Puerto Rico: " An island country in the caribbean and the people are leisurely and passionate. "

沈怡馨,  美食小販
對波多黎各的印象:“ 加勒比海區的島國,人民悠閒熱情。"

Peggy ChanMultimedia Designer / Collector
First impression of Puerto Rico : " I know it's a country in the Caribbean because of Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee music video “Despacito”. This song makes me really want to learn Spanish. "

陳恒芳多媒體設計師 / 收藏家
​​​​​​​對波多黎各的印象:“ 我因為看到路易斯馮西和洋基老爹的音樂影片 “Despacito (慢慢來)” 知道它是在加勒比海的一個國家也因為這首歌讓我真的很想學西班牙文。”

Eileen Chen,  Exhibition Coordinator
First impression of Puerto Rico: " Sun, colorful buildings, Vieques & tripleta ! "

陳慧玲,  特展統籌
對波多黎各的印象:“ 陽光, 色彩繽紛的建築,別克斯島及街邊的三種肉三明治。​​​​​​​"

Ruby Yang,  Marketing Manager
First impression of Puerto Rico : " J.Lo. "
Me : " Anything else? "
" El burrito. "

對波多黎各的印象:“ J.Lo.

Xiǎo Sharol,  Selfie Artist
First impression of Puerto Rico : " Never heard it before. Where is it located ? "

Xiǎo Sharol,  自拍藝術家
對波多黎各的印象:“ 從來沒聽說過。它在哪裡?”

Mandy NienSports Journalist / Taipei Time
First impression of Puerto Rico : " Baseball, because Puerto Rico is often seen in international competition such as the World Baseball Classic. "

粘藐云體育新聞記者 / 台北時報
​​​​​​​對波多黎各的印象:“ 棒球,因為常在國際賽事看到波多黎各隊譬如世界棒球經典賽。”

Irene Shu,  Deputy Store Manager of Green Lasting / Healthy Food Restaurant
First impression of Puerto Rico : “ A Beautiful Country, lots of european colonial architecture with deep colors. ”

許淑貞,  副店長 / 綠色舞動
對波多黎各的印象:“ 一個美麗的國家有許多顏色較深的歐洲殖民時期的建築。”

Lidia Chen,  Jazz Dancer
First impression of Puerto Rico : " Reggaeton!!! "

陳宛琳,  爵士舞者
對波多黎各的印象:“ 雷鬼動音樂!!!”

Ida LiuExecutive Producer
First impression of Puerto Rico : " I remember in the Monopoly board game the taxes of Puerto Rico were very expensive. "

對波多黎各的印象:“ 我記得在大富翁的遊戲中, 波多黎各的過路費非常昂貴。”​​​​​​​

Miky Kuo & Kevin Kuo ( Father & Son ),  Factory Owner & E-Commerce Employee
First impression of Puerto Rico : Miky : " Baseball. "  ;  Kevin : " Feel like a very passion country. "

Miky Kuo 和 Kevin Kuo(父子),  工廠老闆和電子商務職員

對波多黎各的印象:Miky:“ 棒球。”
Kevin:“ 感覺是一個充滿熱情的國家。”

Sheny Chang & Audrey Hu,  Human Resource Assistant & Art Creator / Pâtissier
First impression of Puerto Rico:
Sheny : "  An Latin American country. "
Audrey : "  Passionate Music with Latin Culture, Coffee and Lots Narcotics Movies. "

張心僑 & 胡淳雅,  人力資源助理 & 藝術創作者 / 糕點師
對波多黎各的印象:張心僑:“ 拉丁美洲國家。”
胡淳雅:“ 充滿激情的拉丁文化與音樂、咖啡和許多與毒品有關的電影。”

Arong WuProduction, Graphic Designer / Homemaker
First impression of Puerto Rico : " I think it is a country in Europe..... "
(After a brief conversation)
" .....Are Ricky Martin and Jennifer López Puerto Rican? They are more famous than Puerto Rico."

吳翊榮影像,平面設計師 / 家管
對波多黎各的印象:“ 我想應該是個在歐洲的國家.....
“ .....瑞奇馬丁和詹妮弗洛佩茲是波多黎各人嗎? 他們比波多黎各還有名。”​​​​​​​

Meng-Ju WuSports Journalist / Liberty Times
First impression of Puerto Rico : " Monica Puig. "
( 2016 Rio summer Olympic, Tennis Women's Singles Gold Medalist. )

吳孟儒,  體育新聞記者 / 自由時報
對波多黎各的印象:“ 莫妮卡·普伊格。 "
( 2016 里約奧運 網球女子單打金牌得主。)

Jenny Chang,  Amnesty International Ambassador
First impression of Puerto Rico : "
I think I studied in geography class in high school.... Is a European country right ? "

張詠晴,  國際特赦組織大使
對波多黎各的印象:“ 我似乎在高中地理課上讀過…… 是在歐洲的國家對嗎?”

Carrey Lin,  Exhibition Staff
First impression of Puerto Rico : " Kingdom of baseball catchers, like The Molina brothers, Posada, IRod.  "

林楷宇,  展場工作人員
對波多黎各的印象:“ 捕手王國如莫里納兄弟,波沙達,伊凡·羅德里奎茲。”

Nick Yi,  Street Performance
First impression of Puerto Rico : " Is an Eastern European country? "
Me : " mm, No... but the song you just played... "Despacito", do you know is from Puerto Rico? "
"Really? I thought it was from Spain... "

伊家均.  街頭表演者
對波多黎各的印象:“ 是東歐國家嗎?”
" 嗯,不是……但是你剛彈的那首……“Despacito”,你知道是來自波多黎各嗎?
“ 真的嗎?我還以為是來自西班牙來的……”

Ishtar Hsu,  Visual Artist, Graphic Designer
First impression of Puerto Rico : " I have read in high school geography textbooks but I gave it back to the teacher. "

許韋晨,  視覺藝術家,平面設計師
對波多黎各的印象:“ 高中地理課本上讀過,但還給了老師。"

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